HINDS – Just Like Kids (Miau) Chords for Guitar and Piano


HINDS - Just Like Kids (Miau) Chords for Guitar and Piano

This song is from the album The Prettiest Curse(2020), released on 05 June 2020.
This album was produced by Hinds . This song is originally in the key of Bb Major. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 118 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar or piano.

Original Key: Bb Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 118
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

 Bb                 Eb                            Bb
 Can I tell you something about you and your band?
 Bb                       Eb                      Bb
 Cause I'm sure you'd love to listen to my advice
 You're always out of tune
  Eb                               Bb
 And there's no place there for you
  Bb           Eb
 Dude, do I know you?

              Bb                         Eb
 Well, well, where you from with that accent
  Eb                  Bb
 Does it let you pronounce?
 Bb                     Eb
 Are you Spanish or something?
 Eb                        Bb
 Wait, can you roll your R's?
 You're too pink to be admired
 And to punk to be desired
 Bb           Eb
           Eb             F
 Just like kids, we are late
           Dm           Eb
 And our homes far away
  Eb             F
 We do, we do that
        Dm       Eb
 I'm tired of waiting
 Eb       F             Dm          Eb
 We are all afraid of that long road
  Eb                 F         Bb
 I guess it's the prettiest curse

  Bb                    Eb                           Bb
 To be fair, I don't know you but a friend of mine does
 Bb                      Eb                           Bb 
 He said you were successful 'cause your legs are nice
  Bb                           Eb
 It must be so much fun to spend your daytime in the van
 Bb       Eb

 Bb                         Eb                          Bb
 And you will never look smart if you show that big smile
 Bb                         Eb                           Bb
 Better to dress all in black, oh darling you're to young
 Dude it's been a pleasant chat
 But I'm off to do my job
 'Cause we have the craziest crowd
  Eb                                Eb
 Waiting for these kittens to meow
            Eb             F
 Just like kids, we are late
          Dm          Eb
 And our homes far away
    Eb           F
 We do, we do that
   Dm          Eb
 I'm tired of waiting

           F          Dm            Eb
 We are late, and our homes far away
     Eb           F
 We do this , we do that
      Dm         Eb
 I'm tired of waiting

 Eb      F              Dm         Eb
 We are all afraid of that long road
 Eb                F
 I guess it's the sweetest
  Eb                 F
 I guess it's the warmest
 Eb                 F           Bb
 I guess it's the prettiest curse

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