KENNY CHESNEY – Happy Does Chords for Guitar and Piano


KENNY CHESNEY - Happy Does Chords for Guitar and Piano

This song is from the album Here and Now(2020), released on 01 May 2020.
This album was produced by Kenny Chesney . This song is originally in the key of Gb Major. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 106 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar or piano.
Vocals: Kenny Chesney ,
Producer(s): Kenny Chesney ,
Writer(s): Kenny Chesney ,

Original Key: Gb Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 106
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

 Gb Abm B  Gb Abm B 
        Gb      Abm              B
 Ol' Sunoco Charlie drives an '87 Harley
      Gb             Abm              B
 Sells gasoline and what you drink Eight to Three AM
         Gb              Abm         B
 Got a tattoo for the Corps and ex wife number four
    Gb                Abm                  B
 Hummin' along, schoolin' you on the songs on his station
          Abm                                        Bbm
 He could be another one cussin' the government, nah, but he smiles
      B                           Db
 Got hundred reasons not to, but he's the poster child for

         Gb     Abm      B
 Happy is as happy does
        Gb                    Abm
 Grab a six string, find a rope swing
 Hang a palm tree in your truck
          Gb  Abm         B
 Drink a beer just because
           Gb               Abm
 Steal a slow dance in a rain storm
 And a kiss from who you love
  Abm                   Bbm            B
 Laugh and live with a half-full cup
              Gb Abm         B
 Yeah, happy is as happy does
       Gb                Abm             B
 Some find it in the scripture or a Polaroid picture
      Gb            Abm                     B
 Or flip a coin, heads, you're goin' to Tucson, Arizona
          Abm                                           Bbm
 But it damn sure ain't in the lookin' back on the stuff you never did
    B                                   Db
 Sometimes, you're gonna feel that, but life is better when

         Gb     Abm      B
 Happy is as happy does
        Gb                    Abm
 Grab a six string, find a rope swing
 Hang a palm tree in your truck
          Gb  Abm         B
 Drink a beer just because
           Gb               Abm
 Steal a slow dance in a rain storm
 And a kiss from who you love
  Abm                   Bbm            B
 Laugh and live with a half-full cup
              Gb Abm         B
 'Cause, happy is as happy does
           Gb              Abm
 She's a long way from the old her
 In this mountain dive in Boulder
         Gb            Abm
 Every pickle jar, crinkled dollar
 Takes her another mile high
         Gb     Abm      B
 Happy is as happy does
        Gb                    Abm
 Grab a six string, find a rope swing
 Hang a palm tree in your truck
          Gb  Abm         B
 Drink a beer just because
           Gb               Abm
 Steal a slow dance in a rain storm
 And a kiss from who you love
  Abm                   Bbm         B
 Laugh and live with a half-full cup
            Abm          Bbm            B
 When it's all black clouds, find the sun
             Gb   Abm         B   Gb Abm B 
 'Cause happy is as happy does
       Gb  Abm         B  Gb Abm B 
 Happy is as happy does
  B                             Gb
 Laugh and live with a half-full cup

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