CHRIS BANDI – Leave It To A Song Chords for Guitar and Piano


This song is from the album Chris Bandi(2020), released on 29 May 2020.
This album was produced by Chris Bandi . It is originally in the key of E Major. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 70 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar or piano.
Vocals: Chris Bandi ,
Producer(s): Chris Bandi ,
Writer(s): Chris Bandi ,

Original Key: E Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 70
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

                    A      E
 When you need a little love
                         A       E
 When you need a little slow down
                   A E
 Go on and turn it up
                    A        E
 Go on and turn it up real loud

       A               E
 That mix tape comin' out the boombox
     A                 E
 A cover band blowin' at the boondocks
  A             E
 Sub buzz rattlin' the toolbox
       A               E
 Yeah man, you never know
                        A             E
 Might be sittin' in a truck on a gridlock Monday
                  A               E
 Something you love comes rollin' out the radio
                  A                     E
 Hits you in the chest and the stress goes right away
             A                 E
 Ridin' a melody to a memory away you go
             A              E
 You on a beach or muddin' with your buddies
         A             E
 Summer 17 holdin' somebody
                     A              E
 When you need that real good feel good
 E                            A           E
 Throwback feeling that you ain't seen in so long

                 A E
 Leave it to a song
                    A E
 Take you back in time
                A E
 Leave it to a song
                  A E
 That gets you feeling

                   A  E
 You can taste a drink
                 A           E
 You can see the sun sink down
                 A                  E
 Smell her sweet perfume feel her eyes on you
         A                      E
 Like a first flame that never burned out
                        A             E
 Might be sittin' in a truck on a gridlock Monday
                  A               E
 Something you love comes rollin' out the radio
                  A                     E
 Hits you in the chest and the stress goes right away
             A                 E
 Ridin' a melody to a memory away you go
             A              E
 You on a beach or muddin' with your buddies
         A             E
 Summer 17 holdin' somebody
                     A              E
 When you need that real good feel good
 E                            A           E
 Throwback feeling that you ain't seen in so long

                 A E A E 
 Leave it to a song

                   A      E
 Take you to your dads 150 with an  track
       A        E
 That burnt CD spinnin' OutKast
             A               E
 Yeah, it happens just like that

                        A             E
 Might be sittin' in a truck on a gridlock Monday
                  A               E
 Something you love comes rollin' out the radio
                  A                     E
 Hits you in the chest and the stress goes right away
             A                 E
 Ridin' a melody to a memory away you go
             A              E
 You on a beach or muddin' with your buddies
         A             E
 Summer 17 holdin' somebody
                     A              E
 When you need that real good feel good
 E                            A           E
 Throwback feeling that you ain't seen in so long

                 A E
 Leave it to a song
                    A E
 Take you back in time
                A E
 Leave it to a song
                        A E
 That gets you feeling' right

                     A E
 Just leave it to a song
                         A E
 That gets you feelin' right
 Leave it to a song

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