WHY DON’T WE – Be Myself Chords and Tabs for Guitar and Piano


This song is from the album The Good Times and The Bad Ones(2021), released on 15 January 2021. The vocals are by Jonah Marais, Corbyn Besson, Daniel Seavey, Jack Avery , Zach Herron, the music is produced by Daniel Seavey, and the lyrics are written by Daniel Seavey , Jaycen Joshua.
This song is originally in the key of C Major. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 80 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar, ukulele or piano.

Original Key: C Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 80
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

   C Em F Fm  C Em F  Fm

               C  Em
 Where do I start?
 All these thoughts inside my head collide
    C                  Em          F 
 And I decide I'm stayin' in tonight

                            C Em
 They say, "Follow your heart"
 But it's beating uncontrollably
     C                   Em             F 
 I can't hear what it's tellin' me this time

         C             E       F          Fm
 We're dancin' on the edge of anxiety's ledge
              C         E         F 
 And I might fall again, I might fall
       C              E       F         Fm
 We're walkin' on a rope of worry and I hope
              C       E             F 
 That I don't fall again, I don't fall, oh

   C        E     F     Fm
 Take me somewhere I can be
 C    Em     F
 I can be myself
      C       E        F      Fm
 Oh, take me somewhere I am free
  C      Em      F                C 
 Free to be myself, and nothin' else

  C Em F Fm  C Em F Fm  
                  C        Em   F            Fm
 I've never had pride for myself and I'm proud of that
        C                 Em             F 
 'Cause I know that I'm just somebody else
               C              Em
 So why do I try? (Why do I try?)
          F       Fm                C             Em
 Try to find my validation in what everybody's sayin'
 I need some help

         C             E       F          Fm
 We're dancin' on the edge of anxiety's ledge
              C         E         F 
 And I might fall again, I might fall
       C              E       F         Fm
 We're walkin' on a rope of worry and I hope
              C       E             F 
 That I don't fall again, I don't fall, oh

   C        E     F     Fm
 Take me somewhere I can be
 C    Em     F
 I can be myself
      C       E        F      Fm
 Oh, take me somewhere I am free
  C      Em      F                C 
 Free to be myself, and nothin' else

         C             E       F          Fm
 We're dancin' on the edge of anxiety's ledge
              C         E         F 
 And I might fall again, I might fall

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