QUINN XCII, ALEXANDER 23 – We Don’t Talk Enough Chords and Tabs for Guitar and Piano


This song is from the album Change of Scenery II(2021), released on 05 March 2021. The vocals are by Quinn Xcii, Alexander 23, the music is produced by Hazey Eyes, Alexander 23, ​ayokay, Scott Harris , Quinn XCII, and the lyrics are written by Hazey Eyes , ​ayokay.
This song is originally in the key of F Major. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 92 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar, ukulele or piano.

Original Key: F Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 92
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

  F C Bb C Dm C Bb 

  F                              C
 All of my friends, they're all scattered
    Bb                         C
 Random patterns, random moments
      Dm        C  Bb        
 Bring us close, bring us close
      F                    C
 And as for me, I'm by the sea
        Bb                          C
 With strangers who think they really
      Dm                C         Bb
 Know me the most, but it's not even close

  F             C         Bb         C
 I need some answers, answers for why
   Dm                  C        Bb 
 Why do we have to lead different lives?

             F            C     Bb
 Me and my friends are losing touch
             C        Dm                 C          Bb 
 And all we share in common is that we don't talk enough
               F                C       Bb
 It's no one's fault that life gets tough
              C       Dm                      C        Bb
 But all we share in common is that we don't talk еnough
 Bb                 F C Bb C Dm C Bb
 We don't talk enough

  F C Bb C Dm C Bb
   F                      C
 I try to call, I try to text
        Bb                   C
 But somеhow life, it always gets
       Dm              C             Bb 
 Right in the way, at least that's what I say
          F                      C       Bb 
 And I really hope I don't wake up at fifty
                   C      Dm
 Wonderin' why I gave my life away
    C          Bb
 And if it's too late, yeah

  F               C    Bb               C
 I got some questions, questions for why
  Dm                  C      Bb 
 We write the ending ahead of time

          F               C     Bb
 Me and my friends are losing touch
             C         Dm                     C       Bb 
 And all we share in common is that we don't talk enough
                 F             C      Bb 
 It's no ones fault that life gets tough
 Bb             C         Dm                   C       Bb 
 But all we share in common is that we don't talk enough
 Bb                F  C Bb C Dm C Bb
 We don't talk enough

 Bb               F C Bb C Dm C Bb 
 We don't talk enough

 Mmm mmm mmm, mmm

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