TATE MCRAE – Kids We Used To Know Chords and Tabs for Guitar and Piano


This song is from the album Silhouettes(2015), released on 18 May 2015. The vocals are by Tate Mcrae, the music is produced by Tate Mcrae, and the lyrics are written by Tate Mcrae .
This song is originally in the key of G Major. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 115 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar, ukulele or piano.
Vocals: Tate Mcrae ,
Producer: Tate Mcrae ,
Writer: Tate Mcrae ,

Original Key: G Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 115
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

   C              D 
 Shut down the feelin'
         Em                   D
 That someone was there for me
   C                D 
 Closed off my senses
        Em            D
 That maybe one day I'd see
 C                D
 A day where it wouldn't hurt, not
  Em                       D
 Spendin' hours lookin' for the words, that I
 C                        D
 Couldn't say 'cause it wasn't worth it
  Em                     D        
 I shouldn't speak if I ain't perfect

 C                   D 
 Just a day where I wasn't broken
  Em               D
 All the lies out in the open
  C                  D
 Maybe then all my numb emotions
        Em           D
 Will come back around

  C       D         Em
 Where did they go?
      D                C 
 The kids we used to know
    C        D          Em
 They're so far from home
      D           C 
 We built so long ago

 C         D                Em
 We're so stuck in our own heads
  D                      C 
 That they're not even workin'
      D        Em  D
 Where did they go?
  C           D 
 Maybe it's better
      Em                D       C 
 That nobody knows my mind, 'cause
  C           D
 I can't remember speakin'
    Em                      D
 Without sayin', "Sorry, I'm lookin' for...

 C                 D
 A day where it wouldn't hurt, not
  Em                      D                  C 
 Spendin' hours lookin' for the words, that I
    C                     D
 Couldn't say 'cause it wasn't worth it
  Em                    D
 I shouldn't speak if I ain't perfect

  C                   D
 Just a day where I wasn't broken
   Em                 D
 All the lies out in the open
   C                  D
 Maybe then all my numb emotions
      Em               D 
 Will come back around

  C       D         Em
 Where did they go?
      D                C 
 The kids we used to know
    C        D          Em
 They're so far from home
      D           C 
 We built so long ago

 C         D                Em
 We're so stuck in our own heads
  D                      C 
 That they're not even workin'
      D        Em  D
 Where did they go?

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