AJR – 3 O’ Clock Things Chords and Tabs for Guitar and Piano


This song is from the album OK ORCHESTRA(2021), released on 26 March 2021. The vocals are by Adam Met, Jack Met , Ryan Met, the music is produced by Adam Met, Jack Met , Ryan Met, and the lyrics are written by Ryan Met.
This song is originally in the key of Eb Minor. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 90 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar, ukulele or piano.

Original Key: Eb Minor
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 90
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g
 Come on, guy
 Db                        Gb           Bb
 I promise everything'll be alright, be okay
      Ebm                Db
 Your eyes are tired, but keep 'em open
             Gb                Bb 
 'Cause you wouldn't want to miss a thing

 Come on, guy
  Db                      Gb            Bb
 I promise everything'll be alright, be okay
        Ebm              Db 
 Your eyes are tired, but keep 'em open
               Gb           Bb 
 'Cause you wouldn't wanna miss a thing
             Ebm                      Db
 It's kinda funny how I paid for college
        Gb                Bb 
 When YouTube was an option
 But then I would've had to spend 
 My best years
           Gb               Bb 
 Skipping ads and readin' comments 

      Ebm                         Db               Gb 
 And when the hell did advertisements get so good?
 They're like narcotics
              Ebm                     Db
 So now I'm spending every penny I own
                Gb                      Bb 
 I should have allotted to finishing college

  Ebm Db Gb Bb x2
               Ebm                Db
 It's kinda funny how I keep debating
              Gb                Bb
 If someone's shy or if they hate me
                Ebm                  Db
 I feel like everyone I know right now
            Gb               Bb 
 Is hooking up and getting wasted (Without me)

       Ebm                 Db 
 And maybe sex is overrated
               Gb           Bb
 But we're too shy to ever say it
      Ebm                   Db
 So we pretend we're all amazing
        Gb                      Bb
 It's Three AM, I should be sleeping


   Ebm            Db        Gb             B
 Would you go running if you saw the real me?
    Ebm          Db                 Gb         B
 Maybe you'd love 'em, yeah, maybe you'd feel me
      Ebm           Db           B           Gb
 But I'll never ask you, no, that's super scary
 Ebm           Db                B         Gb 
 Sorry to bail, it's already three o'clock
  Ebm                 Db                 B
 It's too hard to tell if anything's real or not 
             Ebm                       Db
 It's kinda funny how you vote for someone
                 Gb                 Bb 
 To vote for someone to vote for someone
           Ebm                         Db
 And you might end up with someone evil
         Gb            Bb
 But you say that he means well

       Ebm                 Db           Gb                     Bb 
 If I keep on talking politics, my friends'll dip, they're over it
       Ebm                  Db            Gb     Bb 
 If I keep on talking politics, I'm Hamilton (Without the hits)

   Ebm            Db        Gb             B
 Would you go running if you saw the real me?
    Ebm          Db                 Gb         B
 Maybe you'd love 'em, yeah, maybe you'd feel me
      Ebm           Db           B           Gb
 But I'll never ask you, no, that's super scary
 Ebm           Db                B         Gb 
 Sorry to bail, it's already three o'clock
  Ebm                 Db                 B
 It's too hard to tell if anything's real or not 
 Come on, guy
  Db                       Gb           Bb 
 I promise everything'll be alright, be okay
      Ebm                  Db
 Your eyes are tired, but keep 'em open
             Gb                Bb 
 'Cause you wouldn't want to miss a thing

  Ebm Db Gb B   Ebm Db Gb B 
 Ebm            Db      Gb/Bb         B
 Isn't this obvious, am I insane?
  Ebm                Db                    Gb/Bb               B 
 Let's blame our parents 'cause they taught us their ways
 Ebm               Db
 Stay out of politics 
    B           Gb
 Stay on the fence
    Ebm        Db              B            Gb 
 Stay out of all of it to keep half your fans

  Ebm            Db        Gb/Bb     Gb
 Isn't this obvious? Am I insane?
      Ebm              Db           Gb/Bb              Gb 
 There might be two sides to everything that you say
      Ebm           Db                 B            Gb
 It's all a bit cloudy, but there's one thing I know
          Ebm               Db                  B          Gb 
 That if you're fucking racist, then don't come to my show

 (No, we have to do one more)

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from header