TOM PETTY – Wildflowers Chords and Tabs for Guitar and Piano


This song is from the album Wildflowers(1994), released on 01 November 1994. The vocals are by Tom Petty, the music is produced by Tom Petty, and the lyrics are written by Tom Petty.
This song is originally in the key of F Major. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 85 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar, ukulele or piano.
Vocals: Tom Petty ,
Producer: Tom Petty,
Writer: Tom Petty,

Original Key: F Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 85
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

   Bb F C F 
 Bb      F       C          F
 You belong among the wildflowers
   Bb      F      C             F
 You belong in a boat out at sea
  Bb      F   C           F 
 Sail away, kill off the hours
   Bb     F       C              F 
 You belong somewhere you feel free
    Bb  F     C           F
 Run away, find you a lover
  Bb   F            C 
 Go away somewhere all bright and new
 Bb       F    C    F
 I have seen no other
   Bb      F C        F
 Who compares with you

 Bb      F       C          F
 You belong among the wildflowers
   Bb      F      C             F
 You belong in a boat out at sea
  Bb      F   C           F 
 You belong with your love on your arm
   Bb     F       C              F 
 You belong somewhere you feel free

   Bb     F       C       F
 Run away, go find a lover
   Bb    F                C             F 
 Run away, let your heart be your guide
    Bb      F      C            F
 You deserve the deepest of cover
   Bb     F           C            F 
 You belong in that home by and by
  Bb    F      C             F 
 You belong among the wildflowers
  Bb     F        C 
 You belong somewhere close to me
  Bb    F            C                F
 Far away from your trouble and worries
  Bb   F              C         F 
 You belong somewhere you feel free
  Bb    F               C            F 
 You belong somewhere you feel free

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