FREYA RIDINGS – Unconditional Piano Chords | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music & Tabs


This song is from the album Freya Ridings(2019), released on 16 July 2019. The vocals are by Freya Ridings, the music is produced by Alex H.N.Gilbert , Ollie Green, and the lyrics are written by Freya Ridings.
This song is originally in the key of D Major. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 118 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar, ukulele or piano.

Requested By Keena Beer

Original Key: D Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 118
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

  Bm G D Bm
           G         D Bm
 Stay with me, darling
           G        D 
 Stay with me, darling
         Bm          G               D
 Let us lose ourselves in the moonlight
  D           Bm
 Lose ourselves
  G   D 
 As we find

 That there's nothing I could say
             G           D
 That would make you go away
 No danger I was in
          G                D
 And you wouldn't step in my way

           Bm    G   D 
 I'm not alone anymore
        Bm      G       D
 This love's unconditional

  Bm         G        D
 Sway with me, darling
  Bm             G       D 
 Just sway with me, darling
          Bm        G            D 
 Let us lose ourselves in the moment
   D        Bm 
 Lose ourselves
    G         D
 As we both find

 There's nothing you could say
             G          D 
 That would make me go away
 No danger you are in
        G                   D
 And I wouldn't step in the way
              Bm      G   D 
 You're not alone anymore
              Bm         G      D
 'Cause this love's unconditional
          Bm    G             D 
 And oh Lord, when will I breathe again?
        Bm        G         D 
 And when will I stop smiling?
      Bm       G          D 
 Somehow you made me believe again
   Bm      G     D 
 That this is love

            Bm       G      D
 And this love's unconditional
           Bm       G        D
 Oh, this love's unconditional
       Bm      G         D
 This love's unconditional

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