LIL DURK, ALICIA KEYS – Therapy Session / Pelle Coat Chords and Tabs for Guitar and Piano | Sheet Music & Tabs


This song is from the album Almost Healed(2023), released on 26 May 2023. The vocals are by Lil Durk, Alicia Keys, the music is produced by Lil Durk, Alicia Keys, and the lyrics are written by Lil Durk, Alicia Keys .
This song is originally in the key of D Minor. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 70 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar, ukulele or piano.
Original Key: D Minor
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 70
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

 Good morning, Durk

 I hope you're doing as well as possible under the circumstances

 Can you tell me where was your mind 
 when you heard the news of your friend Von passing away on November 6th, 2020?

 And then, the loss of your brother on June 6th, 2021

 Wow, that must've been incredibly devastating

 I can only imagine how painful that must've been

 It's been a year and I wanna know

 How you feel about the rap beef on top of all the chaos?

 Despite all this, you continue to be a warrior, a leader in the rap industry

 And the voice in your community

 And I want you to feel completely safe in this room, nobody can hurt you

 It's okay to еxpress your vulnerabilities and еmotions

 This is a judgement free zone and I encourage you to let your emotions out

 And express yourself freely

 Take a deep breath and focus on the present moment

 Today is May 26th

 Remember that you don't have to go through this alone

 I'm here to listen, you have the voice in this room

 I wanna hear from Durk Banks

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