CITIZEN WAY – I Will Chords and Tabs for Piano and Guitar


This song is from the album 2, released on 05 February 2016. The vocals are by Jeff Pardo , Ben Calhoun, the music is produced by Jeff Pardo , Ben Calhoun, and the lyrics are written by Jeff Pardo , Ben Calhoun.
This song is originally in the key of F Major. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 68 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar, ukulele or piano.

Original Key: F Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 68
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

   F Dm Bb F  x2
 When the shadow won't leave
 When the battle won't stop
 And every breath that you breathe
 Takes all that you've got
   Bb                       Dm           C         Bb 
 When you wonder if you always gonna feel this way
   Bb                       C 
 Hear the LORD of Heaven say

        Gm                       Bb
 I will hold you when you're breaking
         F               C 
 Like a father and a friend
             Gm                Bb 
 And I will carry you through darkness
         F              C
 Till we see the sun again

     Dm                  Bb 
 So rest your head and cry your tears
 F               C 
 Know that I am with you here
 When you can't lift that weight
   Bb               C         F Dm Bb F  
 Believe Me when I say I will
 I know you're feeling overwhelmed
 F                    Dm 
 Before the day even begins
 But I can see beyond the now
  Dm                     C     Bb 
 This is not how your story ends
  Bb                       Dm 
 And when you're at your weakest
         C                   Bb
 Oh I've never been more strong
 Bb                            C 
 So let Me be the One you're leaning on

        Gm                       Bb
 I will hold you when you're breaking
         F               C 
 Like a father and a friend
             Gm                Bb 
 And I will carry you through darkness
         F              C
 Till we see the sun again

     Dm                  Bb 
 So rest your head and cry your tears
 F               C 
 Know that I am with you here
 When you can't lift that weight
   Bb               C         F Dm Bb F  
 Believe Me when I say I will,  I will 
 C               F/A  Bb 
 I will dry your eyes
                   Dm C
 I will calm your fears
 C               F/A           Bb                F 
 I will show you how you're beautiful, you're beautiful
  C               F/A Bb 
 I will walk with you 
         Dm      C 
 on the raging sea
  C                 Bb
 And I will never leave!
        Gm                       Bb
 I will hold you when you're breaking
         F               C 
 Like a father and a friend
             Gm                Bb 
 And I will carry you through darkness
         F              C
 Till we see the sun again

     Dm                  Bb 
 So rest your head and cry your tears
 F               C 
 Know that I am with you here
 When you can't lift that weight
   Bb               C         F Dm  
 Believe Me when I say I will. 
 Bb F       Dm Bb F
 Oh, I will. Oh

                F                    Dm
 When there's a door that you can't open
                 Bb                   F 
 When there's a war that you can't win
 F        Dm     Bb       F
 I will. I will. I will

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