JORDAN DAVIS – Trying Chords and Tabs for Guitar and Piano


This song is from the album Buy Dirt(2021), released on 21 May 2021. The vocals are by Jordan Davis, the music is produced by Ashley Gorley, Emily Weisband, Paul DiGiovanni , Jordan Davis, and the lyrics are written by Paul DiGiovanni.
This song is originally in the key of Eb Minor. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 85 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar, ukulele or piano.

Original Key: Eb Minor
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 85
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g

  B Ebm Db  x2
   B                 Ebm           Db
 There'll be another 7am, I'm sorry
  B                 Ebm             Db
 Wishing I could take back what I said
  B                 Ebm                  Db
 As sure as right now, I've got a heartbeat
  B           Ebm         Db
 I know I'll let you down again
   Abm            B 
 I want to be the man you need

         B                 Gb                Db Ebm
 I ain't made it up the mountain, but I'm climbing
          B                Gb                    Db Ebm
 I still got some miles to go, but hell, I'm driving
         B                Gb                Db Ebm 
 Ain't conquered all my demons, but I'm fighting
           B              Gb             Db     Gb
 I might never love you right, but I'll die trying
  B Ebm Db
    B            Ebm                 Db
 And I'd love to say, I won't get jealous
  B                      Ebm            Db
 And that the past is back in my rearview
    B        Ebm             Gb                  Db
 But I know me too well to try to lie to you or myself
  B           Ebm        Db
 So, if you want to know the truth

         B                 Gb                Db Ebm
 I ain't made it up the mountain, but I'm climbing
          B                Gb                    Db Ebm
 I still got some miles to go, but hell, I'm driving
         B                Gb                Db Ebm 
 Ain't conquered all my demons, but I'm fighting
           B              Gb             Db     Gb
 I might never love you right, but I'll die trying
  B Gb Db Ebm x2 
           B    Gb        Db            Ebm
 I'll be trying to deserve your heart of gold
         B                Gb                Db
 Till I get there or the good Lord calls me home

         B                 Gb                Db Ebm
 I ain't made it up the mountain, but I'm climbing
          B                Gb                    Db Ebm
 Still got some miles to go, but hell, I'm driving
         B                Gb                Db Ebm 
 Ain't conquered all my demons, but I'm fighting
           B              Gb             Db     Gb
 I might never love you right, but I'll die trying

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