BILLIE EILISH – Lost Cause Guitar Tabs


This song is from the album Happier Than Ever(2021), released on 30 July 2021. The vocals are by Billie Eilish, the music is produced by FINNEAS , Billie Eilish, and the lyrics are written by FINNEAS.
This song is originally in the key of Bb Minor. You can change it to any key you want, using the Transpose option. The average tempo is 75 BPM. These chords are simple and easy to play on the guitar, ukulele or piano.
Vocals: Billie Eilish ,
Producer: FINNEAS,
Writer: FINNEAS , Billie Eilish,

Click here for the chords and lyrics version

Original Key: Bb Minor
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 75
Suggested Strumming: DU,DU,DU,DU
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g
L - tied note
x - dead note
h - hammer on/pull off
b - bend
s - slide
~ - vibrato
g - ghost note
> - accentuated note
t - trill
M - palm mute
. - staccato
P - popping (bass)
S - slapping (bass)
+ - tapping
W - wide vibrato
< - fade in
w - whammy bar
= - tremolo picking
v - brush up
^ - brush down
V - pick stroke up
n - pick stroke down
E |----------------------------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------------6--4--6--4----|
G |----------------------------------------------------|
D |----------------------------------------------------|
A |----------------------------------------------------|
E |----------------------------------------------------|

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