WINTLEY PHIPPS – My Tribute Chords and Lyrics


This song is from the album The Classics(2008), released on 01 August 2008.
Vocals: Wintley Phipps ,
Writer(s): Andraé Crouch,

SongRating: 9/10

Transcribed by David Matthie

Scale: Ab Major
Time Signature: 6/8
Tempo: 100
Suggested Strumming: D,D,D,D,D,D
c h o r d  z o n e . o r g
 Aâ™­  Dâ™­  Dâ™­m  Aâ™­  Eâ™­  Aâ™­  Dâ™­  Dâ™­m  Aâ™­

Aâ™­-1             Aâ™­-3           Aâ™­-5    Gâ™­
How …   …   Can I say thanks,
Gâ™­-1      Gâ™­-3      Gâ™­-4      Dâ™­        F7     Bâ™­m
For the things, You have done for me?
Bâ™­              Bâ™­-2     Bâ™­m     Bâ™­m-4             Bâ™­m-6         
Things, so undeserved, that You gave, to prove
Bâ™­m-7           Bâ™­m7
Your love for me.
Eâ™­     Aâ™­               Aâ™­-2      Fm
The voices, of a million angels,
Bâ™­                             Dm
Could not ex------press…    
Dm-2    Dâ™­m
My grati--tude.
Dâ™­m-3       Aâ™­   F
All that I am,
F-1                      F-3        F-5     Bâ™­m
And ever hope to be…eeeee,
Aâ™­       Aâ™­-1   Eâ™­      Eâ™­-1    Aâ™­
I owe it all …….   To thee.
Aâ™­-1                      Cm          F
To God ……….. be the glory.
F-1            Bâ™­m         B         Eâ™­
To God ……….. be the glory.
Gm                 C      F      Fm
To God ……….. be the glory
Fm-1      Bâ™­   Bâ™­m         Dâ™­m
For the things He has done.
Eâ™­             Aâ™­          Aâ™­-3          Cm     F
With His blood ….. He has saved me.
F-1            Bâ™­m                   Dâ™­    Eâ™­   
With his power ….. He has raise…d me.
Eâ™­-1    C      F        F-1    Dm
To God ….. be the glory
Dm-1              Aâ™­  Eâ™­          Aâ™­
For the things     He has done.

Aâ™­-1  Bâ™­           Gm       C7
Just let me live ….. My life.
C7-2         Fm     F       F-2    C   F    Dm7
And let it be pleasing, Lord,    to thee.
Dm7-1                   Dâ™­               Fm
And should I gain      any praise,
Fm-2        Fm-4          Bâ™­7            Dâ™­
Let it go     to     Cal   ver….rrrr….yyyyy.
Dâ™­-2   D                                                  A
Cal   vary     Ohhhhh   (Chours): With His blood,
A-3    E           E-2
Jes-us saved me.
Gâ™­            Bm          Bm-2      B7     E
With His power ….. Jesus raised me.
E-1    Dâ™­7   Dâ™­7-3     Gâ™­      Gâ™­m
To God,    be    the glory.
Gâ™­m-1           A    D           A
For the things    He has done.
Bm          Dâ™­        Gâ™­    Gâ™­m   
To God      be the glor—or-y.
Gâ™­m-2       A     Dâ™­            D
For the things God has done.
Eâ™­m        E       D         D-2
For the things      He has …..
F        D     A     A-8
Done ….   ….  ….    //

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